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Find your ride...

Be a founder. The first 100 registered groups get the 'founder' badge.
Thank you for visiting By taking the time to Register and then Add your group you can contribute to the database, helping regular members, new arrivals and visitors find group rides and hit the road, paths or trails with your group.
What is brings cyclists together. is a place to list and find cycling groups, group rides and bunch rides that are local to you, or around the world. helps you keep track of your regular cycle bunch, find something new nearby or join a ride in a new home or travel destination.

Who is for? is for all riders. Roadies, Mountain Bikers or Leisurely cruisers. If you are involved in or want to start a group ride, upload the details to and let the world know.

How can I add a ride?

Anybody can sign up to to add and curate their group ride. Most groups have regular riders who lead the bunch, or somebody who would be happy to curate the listing. Feel free to register and create a listing for your group. You can link to your current group website/social or use to create individual rides, including maps, distance, elevation and GPX files. You can even embed them in your website using our linking codes

Can I change admins? implements a community transfer and dispute policy. You can simply transfer ownership of your group by requesting and sharing a one-time token transfer code. Because we know that sometimes people move on and lose contact (or well-meaning users create a group that already has a leader), we also implement a Transfer of Administration and Dispute Resolution Policy.